GRTgaz :Energy and the evolution of our lifestyles. The contributions of a prospective approach

Wednesday, December 14th 2016 – MINES ParisTech, 60 boulevard Saint Michel, Paris

Program [ENGLISH]

  • Nadia MAÏZI, CMA, MINES ParisTech : For a prospective climate energy: approach stakes and contributions of the Chair [Presentation]
  • Ariane MILLOT, Thomas LE GALLIC, Remy DOUDARD, CMA, MINES ParisTech : To draw a France zero emissions in 2072 or the search for virtuous combinations between the place of the energies, the uses, the solutions of flexibility and the ways of life [Presentation]
  • Hervé LE TREUT, climatologue : Climate sciences: new challenges and new responsibilities [Presentation]
  • Seungwoo KANG (CMA) : From global to local or how climate governance interferes with local issues: INDCs and their implications for energy choices (the biomass sector in emerging economies). [Abstract] [Presentation]
  • Céline GUIVARCH (CIRED) : The determinants of the economic costs and benefits of translating the goal of a maximum of 2 ° C at the country level. [Abstract][Presentation]
  • Mélusine HUCAULT, architect / urban planner, ANMA – Nicolas Michelin & Associés Agency: For a potential urban planning. [Summary]
  • Louis-Gaëtan GIRAUDET (CIRED) : Improvement and renovation of housing: between mobilization of financing and redistributive issues [Summary][Presentation]
  • Edi ASSOUMOU (CMA) : Mobility and energy vectors: which orientations? [Presentation]
  • Audrey BERRY, CIRED, Microsimulating the distributional effects of carbon taxation : its impacts on equity. [Poster] (ENGLISH)
  • Gratien BONVIN, CMA-MINES ParisTech, Convex relaxation for pumping planning in drinking water distribution networks. [Poster]
  • Antoine BOUBAULT, CMA-MINES ParisTech, Mineral resources for a Low-Carbon electricity. [Poster]
  • Simona DE LAURETIS, CIRED, Household behavior and energy consumption: A prospective analysis considering different schedules. [Poster]
  • Rémy DOUDARD, CMA-MINES ParisTech in partnership with GRTgaz, The flexibility of multi-energy systems. Prospective approach.[Poster]
  • Jérôme GUTIERREZ , CMA-MINES ParisTech, Study of the transition and interactions of electrical systems using multi-scale models. [Poster]
  • Seungwoo KANG, CMA-MINES ParisTech, Development of the bioenergy sector in the TIAM-FR model. [Poster]
  • Florian LEBLANC , CIRED, Can we mitigate climate change and sustainable feed the world? The links between energy and land-use in the long-term mitigation strategies. [Poster]
  • Thomas LE GALLIC, CMA-MINES ParisTech in partnership with Acteon, Energy & future lifestyles. How to model the evolution of lifestyles in energy prospective exercises? [Poster]
  • Gaëlle LE TREUT, CIRED, Climate policy design and the competitiveness of the French industry : a computable general equilibrium analysis. [Poster] (ENGLISH)
  • Ariane MILLOT, CMA-MINES ParisTech in partnership with the DGEC, The triggering of the energy transition: attempt to formalize. [Poster]
  • Elise PUPIER, CMA-MINES ParisTech in partnership with HOMEPULSE, Quantification of energy savings deposits and erasure potentials of the residential sector by Data Science and Machine Learning methods. [Poster]
  • Juan VERA, CIRED in partnership with RENAULT, Merging two approaches: diffusion of technologies and optimization of abatement technology choices in the automotive sector. [Poster] (ENGLISH)

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