Contributions to the preparation of the COP21: sectoral, regional and individual issues 

Tuesday, September 22nd 2015 from 9am to à 5pm – MINES ParisTech, 1 rue Claude Daunesse, 06904 Sophia-Antipolis

The Prospective Modeling Chair and the students of the Advanced Master OSE (Optimization of Energy Systems) jointly organized a conference on the “Stakes of the COP21”, which provided contributions to the preparation of the COP21 through the perspective of different global approaches and with regard to sectoral and individual initiatives. With the contribution of the GREC-PACA ( Regional Group of Experts on Climate in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur), the PACA region’s mobilization in the fight against climate change was presented by the Vice-President of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region, Annick DELHAYE, delegate for sustainable development, environment, energy and climate, before continuing the discussion on the impacts of the warming and acidification of the Mediterranean Sea and exchanging on the local scale applications of climate modeling.

Programme [FRENCH]

MINES ParisTech Research Day 2017

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