MICROGRIDS: why, for whom?

Wednesday, Semptember 28th 2016 from 9am to 5pm, MINES ParisTech Sophia Antipolis

An event organized by the students of the OSE Masters and the MPDD Chair

Image credit: © Mastère OSE

Program [FRENCH]

The students of the OSE Specialized Master, members of the OSE Event Association, are proud to co-organize with the Chair MPDD a Conference on the theme of Microgrids which will be the occasion for an exchange of ideas on issues such as the adaptation of economic models to microgrids, the convergence of multi-energy networks, how to ensure safety and reliability, etc. All these questions will make it possible to draw up an inventory of microgrids by extending to smart grids and their future for Europe. A local flagship project will also be highlighted, namely NICE GRID, the first operational French microgrid.

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