Energy transition: no waste left behind!
Thursday, September 28th 2017 from 9am to 5pm – MINES ParisTech, Sophia Antipolis
The students of the OSE Advanced Master, members of the Association Event OSE, are proud to co-organize with the Chair MPDD a Congress on the theme of energy recovery from waste which will be an opportunity to exchange ideas around its concept, its applications and its stakes. Those are many questions that will enable us to draw up a stock take on the valorization of waste in the energy transition. Two local projects will also be highlighted: the valorization of laboratory waste and a case study of anaerobic digestion in a goat farm in Valbonne.
This event has received the support of the CASA, the Community of Agglomeration Sophia Antipolis.

Image credit: © Mastère OSE
MINES ParisTech Research Day 2017
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