Image credit: © Mastère OSE

Which energy vectors for a carbon-free mobility?

Thursday, September 26th 2019 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. – MINES ParisTech, Sophia Antipolis, Mozart Amphitheatre

The OSE Congress is an annual event organized by the 21 students of the 2018 class of the Advanced Master in Energy Systems Optimization, bringing together a panel of experts from the world of energy on September the 26th, 2019. Our ambition? To offer an analysis and to enable major energy specialists, industrialists and political figures to meet and discuss the key issue of carbon-free mobility. Between technological challenges, scarcity of raw materials and climate change, this subject is at the heart of the political and strategic debates of companies. While the transport sector accounts for nearly 25% of global emissions, the mobility sector is undergoing major changes. The issue of mobility is multifaceted, at the political, economic, technical and environmental levels. The analysis of the problems linked to it is therefore as interesting as it is complex. The aim of this congress is therefore to highlight the progress and practical ideas of important players in the field of mobility. For its nineteenth edition, the OSE Congress will therefore focus on energy choices for a decarbonized mobility.

Programme [FRENCH]

Website of the event:

68th International ETSAP Workshop

Image credit: © IEA-ETSAP October 22nd and 23rd 2015 - Centre for Applied Mathematics , MINES [...]