The first Summer School organized by the Centre for Applied Mathematics on Prospective Modeling and Energy Transition, in collaboration with LTU (Lulea University of Technology, Sweden) and supported by the ETSAP, took place from July 8th to July 13th at MINES ParisTech, Sophia Antipolis, France.

Spurred by issues of climate change and economic globalization, prospective modeling is being considerably reinvested following years of neglect. The connections it makes between numerical/quantitative projection, mathematical economics, public economy and strategic thinking make it a valuable tool in the context of international negotiations on climate.The renewed interest in this subject is an opportunity to present the variety of analyses and prospective elements developed using the TIMES family of models to build informed energy policies compatible with climate challenge and in line with the chosen direction of a society. The TIMES family of models is used by a variety of different research environments to tackle multi-disciplinary topics, usually in small modeling teams/groups. Proficient use of comprehensive energy system optimization models like TIMES requires expertise of the system in focus, operation research, and economics, along with knowledge of what policy makers need. To meet these needs, the CMA organized a summer school for young international PhD students to guide them in identifying methodological keys for drawing up energy transition policies compatible with climate issues.

Handbook of the 1st International Summer School on prospective modeling and energy transition [ENGLISH]

The program of 2020 edition of the Summer School will be available soon. Find more information on the Summer School website .

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