Panel organized by the Association des Économistes de l’Énergie, with the support of the French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy (DGEC) and the contribution of the MPDD Chair.

Wednesday, November 14th 2012 – MINES ParisTech, Paris, rooms V115-116

At the end of 2012, the government is setting up a major national debate on the energy transition, which will contribute to the drafting of a programming bill in 2013. The EEA is continuing its action to inform stakeholders by organizing a conference bringing together experts to help us understand the issues at stake in a major component of this debate: how are energy scenarios determined and how can they be used?

The European Commission published in December 2011 an “EU Energy Roadmap to 2050” based on 7 scenarios (and variations) prepared by the Technical University of Athens (NTUA) on the basis of the PRIMES model:

  • Reference scenario, taking into account only the policies adopted in March 2010
  • Current policy initiatives (CPI) taking into account the policies and measures proposed
  • 5 ” decarbonization ” scenarios, i.e. leading to an 85% decrease in CO2 emissions by 2050:
    • Increased energy efficiency
    • Diversified supply technologies
    • Reinforced renewable energies
    • deferred CSC
    • Low Nuclear

École des Mines ParisTech also develops energy scenarios as part of the Chair Prospective Modeling for Sustainable Development. To do so, it uses the MARKAL-Times model, which is widely used worldwide.

The objective of the conference is to better understand the framework within which the analysis and definition of European – and by analogy French – energy policy is carried out, when such a structuring of the medium and long term evolution of an energy system is used. What are the expressed or underlying hypotheses that are the most decisive in the chosen trajectories? What are the main uncertainties and how can their scope be assessed? What are the trajectories that may have been “forgotten”? How to explain to public decision-makers and stakeholders the interest, advantages and limitations of an exercise such as the ” EU Energy Road Map to 2050 “?

  • Christian BATAILLE, Member of Parliament, Vice-President of the French Parliamentary Office for the Evaluation of Scientific and Technological Choices,
  • François BROTTES, Member of Parliament, Chairman of the AN Economic Affairs Commission (unconfirmed),
  • Pantelis CAPROS, Director of the E3M laboratory at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA),
  • Pierre-Franck CHEVET, Director General for Energy and Climate, MEDDE
  • Alain GRANDJEAN, member of the Strategic Committee of the Nicolas Hulot Foundation,
  • Nadia MAÏZI, Director of the Centre for Applied Mathematics of École des Mines ParisTech,
  • Hervé MARITON, Member of Parliament, Member of the Finance Committee of the AN,
  • Christian DE PERTHUIS, Professor of Economics at Paris Dauphine University, Chair of Climate Economics, former Chairman of the Committee “Trajectories 2020-2050 towards a low-carbon economy”.

The symposium is intended for anyone interested in energy economics who wants to understand its mechanisms and deepen their knowledge. As an association with an academic and industrial vocation, the AEE will offer this conference free of charge. Registration is mandatory. Due to the limited number of places, we advise you to register now. A cocktail will be given at the end of the conference.

68th International ETSAP Workshop

Image credit: © IEA-ETSAP October 22nd and 23rd 2015 - Centre for Applied Mathematics , MINES [...]