IPCC Special Report “Global Warming of 1.5°C “: its content and interpretations –  in the presence of Jim SKEA, Co-Chair of the IPCC Working Group III

October 18th 2018 from 5:30pm to 8pm – AgroParisTech, Paris

Image credit: © IPCC

The next IPCC Special Report “Global Warmingof 1.5°C” should be passed the first week of October. In this context of accelerating climate changes and of persistent difficulties to trigger ambitious climate policies, it is important to make sure that this Special Report will be well received to avoid any misunderstandings.  This is the subject of the debate we are willing to start, with your contribution, on October 18th, in the presence of Jim Skea, Co-Chair of the IPCC Working Group III.

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7h30 : Welcome address by Gilles TRYSTRAM, DG of AgroParisTech

Introduction by Brune POIRSON, Secretary of State under the Minister of State, Minister for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition

Nadia MAÏZI (MINES ParisTech), Chairwoman

17h40–18h15: Presentation by Jim SKEA, with three French writers who also contributed to the Special Report :

  • Jean-Charles HOURCADE (CIRED)
  • Roland SEFERIAN (Météo France)

18h15–18h55 : round-table discussion :

  • Jean-Eudes MONCOMBLE (Revue de l’Energie)
  • François EUVÉ (Revue Études)
  • Valéry LARAMÉE DE TANNENBERG (Journal de l’Environnement)
  • Reports’ writers

18h55 – 19h30 : Viewpoints by :

  • Lucile DUFOUR (RAC)
  • Philippe PORTIER (CFDT)
  • Vincent MAZAURIC (Chambre de Commerce Internationale)

19h30 – 19h50 : Discussion with the audience

19h50–20h : Closing statement by Nadia MAÏZI and Jim SKEA.


Presentation by Jim SKEA [English]

68th International ETSAP Workshop

Image credit: © IEA-ETSAP October 22nd and 23rd 2015 - Centre for Applied Mathematics , MINES [...]