Image credit: © Mastère OSE
The role of the CCUS in the energy transition
Thursday September 30th 2021 , Mines Paris- PSL, Sophia Antipolis, Mozart amphitheatre
The Chair MPDD conference is an annual event organized by the students of the Advanced Master degree in energy system optimisation (OSE) of the Ecole des Mines de Paris. It brings together experts from the world of energy to discuss a particular topic. This year, for its 21st edition, the debates will focus on the capture, recovery and storage of CO2. Also known as CCUS (Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage), these technologies are increasingly discussed.
The European states have committed to carbon neutrality by 2050. A change in our consumption patterns and an integration of renewable energies in the energy mix is necessary, but will it be enough?
According to several prospective studies, including that of the International Energy Agency, achieving this goal depends heavily on our ability to use carbon capture technologies. However, few programs have been deployed despite considerable technological advances in the field. To date, its development is limited by financial, political, social or industrial arguments. On the other hand, the valorization of CO2, through its transformation or direct use, is an argument that is coming to the forefront in favor of its profitability. The primary ambition of this event is to bring together major energy companies, industrialists and political figures to answer the unavoidable questions in this sector. Between technological challenges, European cooperation and climate change, this subject is more than ever at the heart of political and strategic debates.
The conference will be held at Mines ParisTech in Sophia Antipolis on Thursday, September 30, 2021. It will be broadcasted online on the Youtube channel of the OSE Advanced master. You can register to attend the event in person or remotely.
Website of the event : https://eleves-ose.cma.mines-paristech.fr/
Watch the entire conference on YouTube
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