While French demand for energy is set to decrease, demand for electricity is set to increase. To meet this demand, the Pluriannual Energy Programme forecasts massive growth in renewable energies. However, the prospective scenarios generated by the French transmission system operator RTE raise the difficulty of achieving this energy transition: “Doing without new nuclear reactors implies faster rates of development of renewable energies than those of the most dynamic European countries”
What place then should be given to nuclear power in order to best achieve the energy transition?
This event will be held on Tuesday September 26 2023. You will be able to follow it in person on the Pierre LAFFITTE campus of Mines Paris – PSL in Sophia Antipolis, or remotely on the MS OSE Youtube channel, and all of this obviously free of charge.
Quelle place accorder alors au nucléaire dans le but de réaliser au mieux la transition énergétique ?
Cet évènement se tiendra le jeudi 29 septembre 2022. Il vous sera possible de le suivre en présentiel sur le site du campus Pierre LAFFITTE de Mines Paris – PSL à Sophia Antipolis, ou en distanciel sur la chaîne Youtube du MS OSE, et tout cela de manière évidemment gratuite.