68th International ETSAP Workshop

Image credit: © IEA-ETSAP October 22nd and 23rd 2015 - Centre for Applied Mathematics , MINES ParisTech, Sophia Antipolis,  Mozart Amphiteatre The Center for Applied Mathematics hosts and co-organizes the ETSAP International Workshop at MINES ParisTech, Sophia Antipolis, on 22nd and 23rd October. This Workshop aims to bring together ETSAP experts [...]

Meeting with Jim Skea and Shukla Priyadarshi

June 13, 2016 - From 6 pm to 7:30 pm – AgroParisTech – 16 Rue Claude Bernard, Paris On the occasion of their coming to CIRED, the Chair MPDD organizes an exchange meeting with the two new co-chairs of IPCC Group 3 on the future of climate policies after COP21 and the role of [...]

15th Chair MPDD Conference – Advanced Master OSE (Optimization of Energy Systems)

Contributions to the preparation of the COP21: sectoral, regional and individual issues  Tuesday, September 22nd 2015 from 9am to à 5pm - MINES ParisTech, 1 rue Claude Daunesse, 06904 Sophia-Antipolis The Prospective Modeling Chair and the students of the Advanced Master OSE (Optimization of Energy Systems) jointly organized a conference on the "Stakes [...]

Crossed perspectives on the energy policy of France and the EU

Panel organized by the Association des Économistes de l'Énergie, with the support of the French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy (DGEC) and the contribution of the MPDD Chair. Wednesday, November 14th 2012 - MINES ParisTech, Paris, rooms V115-116 At the end of 2012, the government is setting up a major national [...]

Economic-Climate-Carbon modeling for the next IPCC report

Seminar ParisTech Chair Prospective Modeling July 4, 2012 from 10am to 12pm - Campus du Jardin Tropical, Indochine room Program [French] Resources: Climate simulations of the IPSL-ESM model: the role of the carbon cycle (Laurent BOPP, LSCE)[PDF] (French) Socio-economic trajectories of emission reduction with the IMACLIM-R [...]

Bioenergy issues in long-term prospective energy/climate scenarios

Seminar of the Chair Prospective Modeling May 31st, 2012 - 10am-12pm - Tropical Garden Campus, Indochine room The MPDD Chair is organizing a seminar on the challenges of bioenergy in long-term prospective energy/climate scenarios. Researchers from the Chair's two founding laboratories, the CIRED and the CMA, in association with the LEO (University of [...]

7th Seminar – Techno-economic dimensions of the transition

Seminars of the Chair on the Key Issues for Low-Carbon Transition Modelling Multi-scale analyses Thursday, April 18th 2019 - Mines ParisTech, 60 Boulevard Saint Michel, 75006 Paris, salle Vendôme Program [ENGLISH] Resources: Characterization of the flexibility needs of the electrical system according to the [...]

6th Seminar – Macroeconomic and financial dimension of the transition

Investment risks and financial mechanisms in integrated energy-economy-climate models Wednesday, November 21st 2018 CIRED, Nogent-sur-Marne Program [ENGLISH] Resources: Capital market modelling in ThreeME, Frédéric REYNES (NEO, OFCE, TNO) [PDF] Stock-Flow Consistent modelling for developing economies in a global financial world, Devrim YILMAS (AFD) [PDF] (ENGLISH) Investment risks and financial [...]

5th Seminar – Techno-economic dimensions of the transition

Gas - Electricity Convergence Wednesday May 30th, 2018 MINES ParisTech, Paris Program [ENGLISH] Resources: Simon METIVIER (SOLAGRO) : A 100% renewable gas mix in 2050? Looking back on the ADEME GRDF GRTgaz study [PDF] (French) Rémy DOUDARD (MINES ParisTech/CMA) : Long term positioning of supply systems to meet final [...]

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