3rd Seminar – Techno-economic dimensions of the transition

Climate commitments: how models respond to decarbonation issues? Wedsneday, May 10th 2017 MINES ParisTech, Paris Program [FRENCH] Resources : Céline GUIVARCH, CIRED : Determinants of the growth-emission links and the costs of climate policies: an analysis of prospective scenarios [PDF] (FRENCH) Charlotte VAILLES, I4CE : Developing EU energy and [...]

2nd Seminar – Macroeconomic and Financial Dimension of the Transition

Modeling the macroeconomic impacts (growth, employment) of the energy transition in a context of secular stagnation Tuesday, Septembre 13th 2016 - France Stratégie, Paris Program [FRENCH] Resources: Michel AGLIETTA (CEPII) : The terms of the debate on 'secular stagnation' [PDF] (ENGLISH) The selected options and the possible evolutions in: [...]

1st Seminar – Techno-economic dimensions of the transition

Scenarios for the integration of renewable Friday, May 13th 2016 MINES ParisTech, Paris Program [FRENCH] Resources : Anne-Laure DUBILLY (ADEME) : 100% ENR Electric in 2050 study [PDF] (French) Vera SILVA (EDF) : Technical and economic analysis of a European electricity system with 60% renewable energy [PDF] (French) [...]

Partners’ Day 2017

SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC : « Smart energy » in all its forms Friday, June 9th 2017 HIVE, Schneider Electric Headquarters, Rueil Malmaison Program [ENGLISH] Resources: Jean Charles HOURCADE, CIRED, École des Ponts ParisTech [PDF] Nadia MAÏZI, CMA, MINES ParisTech [PDF] Energy efficiency for smart grids through optimization and prediction, Peter [...]

Partners’ Day 2016 (GRTgaz)

GRTgaz :Energy and the evolution of our lifestyles. The contributions of a prospective approach Wednesday, December 14th 2016 - MINES ParisTech, 60 boulevard Saint Michel, Paris Program [ENGLISH] Resources: Nadia MAÏZI, CMA, MINES ParisTech : For a prospective climate energy: approach stakes and contributions of the Chair [Presentation] Ariane MILLOT, [...]

Partners’ Day 2016 (EDF)

EDF : on the good use of models and energy scenarios January 28th 2016, 9am-6pm Salons Étoile Wagram, 16 Avenue de Wagram, 75008 Paris Program Resources: Nadia MAÏZI (Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées, MINES ParisTech) and Jean Charles HOURCADE (CNRS CIRED) [PDF] Laura COZZI (AIE) [PDF] (ENGLISH) Jean CHATEAU (OCDE) [...]

Partners’ Day 2013

ADEME : the energy transition under the prism of prospective scenarios September 16th, 2013 - ADEME, 500 route des Lucioles, Sophia Antipolis, ADEME Amphithéâtre Program [FRENCH] Resources: Présentation des scénarios ADEME Visions 2030 2050 (aspect techniques et économiques)

Partners’ Day 2012

SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC - Smart cities and prospective :a contribution to RIO+20 Monday, June 4th 2012 - HIVE, Schneider Electric Headquarters, Rueil Malmaison Program [FRENCH] Resources : Discours inaugural [PDF] Nadia MAÏZI (CMA - MINES ParisTech) : Les outils de la prospective long terme pour le business et l’efficacité énergétique [...]

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