The Chair’s new SEMINAR: Scenarios for a “renewable” France | Webinar #1 [FRENCH]
28 January 2021 — 10h00-12h00
The Chair Prospective Modelling for Sustainable Development is pleased to announce the launch of a seminar dedicated to the following topic
Scenarios for a “renewable” France
We are proposing to take a critical look at all the issues related to the integration of renewable energies with a view to decarbonizing the French energy mix by the end of the century.
A series of webinars should provide elements for understanding the technical, economic and political hypotheses of the various studies existing in France.
We will question the plausibility and feasibility of the proposed scenarios by discussing: the status of the models according to whether they have a realistic, heuristic or normative claim, their structure and the hypotheses they retain for the elaboration of the scenarios, as well as their scientific status. Particular attention will be given to the aspects of operation and flexibility of the systems, taking into account issues of spatiality, pace of implementation, land-use planning, lifestyles, costs and financing engineering and externalities on other dimensions of “sustainable development”.
The first webinar will be held on Thursday, January 28, 2021 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. The following sessions will take place every last Thursday of the month. Unless stated otherwise, those events will take place in French.